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Just What Any Collaborative Team Needs!

FotoView Screen

More than a basic viewer, FotoView is a fully-integrated solution designed to allow users to access and collaborate on documents and images located anywhere within a secure, controlled environment.

FotoView Features


Multiple File Formats

Supports a wide range of document and image file formats – providing exceptional functionality. Standard formats include PDF, TIFF, DOC and DOCX, EXCEL, PowerPoint, VISIO, PNG, JPG and BMP.


High-Speed Navigation Through Your ECM

Browse, scroll and navigate around documents and libraries quickly and easily for faster process throughput & accelerated workflow for your enterprise & team.


Multiple Layer Annotation

Easily edit, add or remove annotations. Annotations can be in the form of a note, circle, line, ellipse, text, markup or highlight.


Zonal Encryption and Redaction

Selectively encrypt or redact sensitive sections (zones) within a document to protect them from being viewed by unauthorized individuals.


Comments & Collaboration

Edit documents and images and add comments and notes without amending source documents or document security controls – improves collaboration and working efficiency.

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Smart Indexing

Intelligent indexing transforms the tedious process of manual document indexing into an efficient operation – enabling accurate and rapid searching, and saving costly time.

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Web scanning tool

Exclusively on FotoView plus, a web scanning feature is available to directly scan documents into FotoView for editing and archiving.


Unlimited Resolution

Vector Graphics ensures pinpoint clarity – even obscure or faint documents are displayed at the highest resolution.

View and edit any document from your SharePoint

FotoView is a universal viewer for ECM platforms as SharePoint, Documentum, FileNet, etc… You can view any document from within your own library and add annotations directly, removing the hassle of downloading and re-uploading documents.

Our Case Studies

A complete document management systems using best in class tools for the leading energy provider in Cameroon with Fotopia

Elevating capture intelligence: moving from legacy capture software to FotoCapture

50% decrease in costs by upgrading legacy system to Fotopia, to manage all on-going and backlog operations

Shifting Union Insurance’s ECM to a secure Cloud Based content management system with Fotopia & Office 365

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